Rooted & Radiant: A Day for Women in Midlife

A holisitic Approach to Perimenopause and Beyond

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topics that will be covered throughout the day

Kate Williams Stone (she/her)
Health and Life Coach for Perimenopause

Redefining Your Menopause Mindset
Menopause isn’t just about hot flashes or night sweats—it’s about how we see ourselves in this next chapter of life. In this session, we’ll explore the beliefs we carry about menopause and learn how to find your true north through all the changes. Together, we’ll shed outdated cultural stigma, rewrite the rules, and redefine what midlife means on your terms.

Our Changing Bodies
Midlife can feel like your body is rewriting the script without your input. This session will help you make sense of the physical changes happening and offer tools to navigate them with confidence and self-compassion. We’ll dig into what’s going on, why it’s happening, and how to care for yourself in ways that actually work for you. You’ll leave feeling informed, supported, and ready to embrace this season of transformation alongside women who truly understand.

More Information about Kate

Tiffany Dawn Chambers-Goldberg (she/her) C-IAYT, C-IYTT, LMT Chronic Pain Therapist | Sensual Integration Practitioner | Creator of Dance Brave™

Roll Into Relief: Unlock Pain-Free Movement with Therapy Ball Techniques

Yoga Tune Up Roll Model®Therapy Balls are a game-changer in pain relief. The Role Model Method™ reduces chronic pain, improves performance, and addresses scar tissue, fascial adhesions, and overused, underused, and abused connective tissue. Therapy Ball work teases out areas of discomfort from old injuries, emotional trauma, scar tissue, and repetitive stress movements.

​Move your body through various movement therapy and joint mobility exercises to maximize your range of motion, reduce pain, and prevent potential injury. A pain-free body is a happy body!

Dance Brave

Dance Brave is a somatic, trauma-informed embodiment class for women who long to feel sensually unfrozen, connected to the erotic, and to deepen their relationship with Intimacy. When women integrate with shadow aspects that present as fear of rejection, betrayal, and exile, we expand into our true essence of wholeness. Sensuality is turned off by shame, stress, and trauma. Dance Brave uses breath, movement, and sound to turn it back on.

More Information about Tiffany

Kyrsten Spurrier (she/her) OTR/L Pelvic Floor Specialist | Founder of The Perinatal Pelvis | Trauma Informed Pelvic Health Practitioner

Pelvic Wisdom: Nurturing Your Pelvic Floor Through Perimenopause

Perimenopause is a time of profound change—not just in our hormones, but in the very foundation of our bodies. Your pelvic floor is at the heart of this transformation, playing a vital role in your physical, emotional, and energetic health. We will explore:

  • The Pelvic Floor & Perimenopause: How hormonal shifts impact the pelvic muscles, bladder, and sexual health—and what you can do to support them.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Discover how tuning into your pelvic space can unlock a deeper sense of healing, grounding, and connection to self.
  • Practical Tools: Learn simple exercises, breathing techniques, and mindset shifts to nurture and strengthen your pelvic floor during this season of life.

This session isn’t just about anatomy; it’s about reclaiming your power and finding balance as you embrace midlife. Whether you're navigating bladder changes, sexual health concerns, or just want to feel more at home in your body, this talk will leave you feeling informed, supported, and inspired to care for your pelvic health.

More Information about Kyrsten

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